Greetings to the New Year(2024.12)
2024.12.10 Editor G. M.
Again, all too quickly, we find ourselves at the end of another year of, hopefully, very productive scientific and clinical work. Thanks to globalization, this is year has been marked by the continuation of inflationary pressures in many countries. While post-COVID inflation has subsided, this has been replaced by extreme weather events, a rise in energy costs and, for Japan, the depreciation of the yen that have resulted in a cost-of-living crisis that affects all aspects of the economy, including the ability to undertake medical research.
As an NAI editor of many years standing, I have come to appreciate the enormous amount of work authors engage in over, in some cases, many years before their endeavours reach the manuscript stage. Our authors all contribute greatly to their respective fields, ranging from reports on new immunotherapy combinations for various cancers in clinical trials to extensive review articles and unusual case studies. As editors, we are here to guide manuscripts along the tortuous path of submission and peer review through to successful publication. We hope to continue this important task for our highly esteemed and well-respected authors in 2025.
Wishing you all continued prosperity and happiness, both personal and professional, as we get ready to celebrate the coming of a New Year.
長年NAIの編集に携わってきた私にとって、執筆者が原稿を完成させるまでに、場合によっては何年も前から膨大な作業を行っていることを理解しています。 私たちの執筆者は、臨床試験中のさまざまな癌に対する新しい免疫療法の組み合わせに関する報告から、広範なレビュー記事や珍しい症例研究まで、それぞれの分野に多大な貢献をしています。 編集者として、私たちは、原稿が投稿から査読を経て、最終的に出版されるまで、その曲がりくねった道筋を導いていく立場にあります。2025年にも、尊敬を集める著者の方々のために、この重要な任務を継続していきたいと考えています。