

Expert Nursing Manuscript Editing: Meet Our Specialist Editors at NAI (2025.02)

2025.02.03 Editor P. S.

At NAI, we are cognizant that many researchers may not be aware of our specialized expertise in handling manuscripts from the field of Nursing. We are proud to offer our distinguished clients unparalleled support from our team of practicing nurse editors. Below is a profile from one of our editors:

“As a dedicated nursing professional, my journey began with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, followed by a Master of Science in Environmental Health Science. I further sharpened my expertise by earning a PhD in Global Health Metrics and Implementation Science from the University of Washington. In addition, I have twelve years of hands-on experience as a pediatric nurse in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at a renowned hospital in Seattle, Washington. Over the years, I have amassed nearly twenty years of combined clinical and academic expertise.  

Driven by a passion to support fellow researchers, I feel obligated to assist others in building their careers and fostering professional growth. I am dedicated to offering high-quality professional editing services. At NAI, we assure researchers that our team of editors are ready and available to offer exceptional assistance, ensuring that their work receives the meticulous attention it deserves.”



「看護学の専門家として、私は看護学の学士号からキャリアをスタートし、環境衛生学の修士号を取得しました。ワシントン大学でグローバルヘルス指標学および実施科学の博士号を取得し、専門性をさらに磨きました。 また、ワシントン州シアトルの著名な病院の新生児集中治療室で小児科看護師として12年間の実務経験があります。 臨床と学術の両方の専門性を合わせると、20年近い経験があります。


