Greetings to the New Year(2023.12)
2023.12.01 Editor F. J.
As a NAI Senior Editor, I appreciate the opportunity to wish our authors and their associates a successful and healthy 2024 as they have resumed their pre-Covid lives. However, vigilance is still needed. I personally was affected after escaping for 4 years, but due to previous vaccinations and anti-viral medications I was only mildly affected. This allowed me to continue the work that I value so much. Each paper that I edit is treated as carefully as if it were my own work. I know of many people who have taken advantage of the work described in these reports. I was excited to learn that a friend underwent a procedure as an outpatient that was reported in a paper that I edited years ago. What was once considered almost impossible is now treated as routine. Working with gifted and hardworking Japanese physicians and scientists has been rewarding.
New challenges await as many of the puzzles presented by nature continue to be addressed in a careful step-by-by manner. I am privileged to be of help in this effort. Welcome to 2024.
2023.11.01 Translator K.R.
類似した語の意味の違いは? 一番適した語はどれ?

2023.10.06 Editor B.R.
In addition to editing and proofreading a manuscript, it is important to format it according to the guidelines provided by the journal. The guidelines set for the title page, abstract, main sections of the manuscript, references, font size, spacing, margins, etc., must be followed meticulously. Non-adherence to these guidelines can lead to the rejection of the manuscript by the journal. Therefore, ensuring that every detail is addressed before submission to a journal, particularly reputed international journals, is essential.
The editors at NAI Inc. are experienced in the formatting of manuscripts. The team will check the journal website and use the template if provided. They will go through each detail and make the necessary changes to the whole manuscript, thus making the work easier for you. In addition, you will receive advice if there is some incorrect or missing information.
The formatting service will involve making general changes, such as line or page numbering, font size, line spacing, and margins. Then the individual sections, such as the title page (word count for the title, font size and case, need for a running title, other details), abstract (word count, keywords), introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, references (style), tables and figures (location, size), and figure legends will be modified as specified by the journal guidelines.
Thus, the formatting service provided by NAI Inc. will help save time and hasten the process of submitting your manuscript to the journal.
弊社代表よりご挨拶(2023.9)2023.09.07 エヌ・エイ・アイ株式会社 代表取締役 伊藤秀司

色々と知恵を絞りました。どんな小さな疑問点も決して曖昧なまま残すことなく、とにかく”とことんキッチリ”と、文面の、そしてその研究や発見の裏に流れる意味を的確にくみ取った科学英語として、「だれもがその論文の趣旨を一瞬で理解できる」、そんな責任感に裏付けされた一流のサイエンス英文になるまでのお付き合いです。今では業界で当たり前に用いられるようになったQ&A方式。それをディファクトスタンダート化させたのも弊社だという自負があります。著者の先生方とNAIの校閲者との間で、何度も、何度も、これでもか、これでもかといった「しつこいくらいのやりとり」を行ない、最も受理(アクセプト)に近い科学英語、論文英語に精錬させていく。それだけがたった一つのゴールでした。当時はマイクロソフト社のMS Wordも、現在のようなコメント機能を持っていません。ですから校閲者からの質問は、「WHAT DO YOU MEAN ABOUT THIS?」という風に、大文字、太字で記入し、お客様にはその文章の直後に回答していただく、そんなルールを構築し、文章の落とし穴を埋めていく、そんなきめ細かな作業を繰り返し、繰り返し行なってまいりました。今では社員にその役割のすべてを任せきっておりますが、創業から10年ほどは、私自身もその中核となり、NAIの校閲者とお客様である先生方の橋渡しとなり、得意の英語と日本語の間を渡り歩きながら仲介役を果たした日々、今でも昨日のことのように思いだされます。
創業28周年記念日 2023年9月7日
代表取締役 伊藤 秀司

2023.08.03 Editor: S. S.
The difference of prepositions
For Japanese students studying English, one area that often proves to be particularly perplexing is the use of prepositions. Prepositions play a crucial role in the English language by establishing relationships between various elements in a sentence. They help us understand the position, location, direction, time, and manner of objects, people, and events. While prepositions may seem simple at first glance, they can be quite nuanced, and understanding their differences is essential for effective communication. Here, we explore some common prepositions and highlight their distinctions.
"in" and "on": Both words express position, but they are used in different contexts. "In" denotes being enclosed or inside something. For instance, "The book is in the drawer" implies that the book is within the confines of the drawer. On the other hand, "on" refers to being in contact with the surface of something. If we say, "The book is on the table," it means the book is resting on top of the table.
"At" and "to": "At" is used to indicate a specific point or place. For example, "I will meet you at the library" suggests meeting at a particular location. In contrast, "to" implies movement toward a place or direction. If we say, "I am going to the library," it means we are heading in that direction.
"Between" and "Among." While both words express relationships, they differ in terms of quantity. "Between" is used when referring to two entities or people. For instance, "The book is between John and Mary" signifies that the book is positioned in the middle of John and Mary. Conversely, "among" is employed when talking about three or more items. If we say, "The ball is among the children," it suggests that the ball is in the presence of multiple children.
"By" and "with": "By" indicates a means or method of doing something. For example, "The letter was delivered by mail" signifies that the mail was the method of delivery. On the other hand, "with" implies association or accompaniment. If we say, "He went to the party with his friends," it means he attended the party in the company of his friends.
"For" and "since": "For" is used to express a duration or length of time, as in "I have lived here for ten years." In contrast, "since" refers to a specific point in time or the starting moment of an action. For example, "I have known her since 2010" suggests that the acquaintance began in that year.
In conclusion, prepositions are crucial elements of the English language, facilitating clear and precise communication. While some prepositions may appear similar, understanding their differences is essential for accurate usage since each preposition carries a distinct meaning and function. By mastering these distinctions, we can express ourselves more effectively and avoid common errors in our writing and speech.
【‘in’と‘on’】この二つの前置詞はどちらも位置関係を示しますが、使用する文脈が異なります。まず、‘in’は、何かに囲まれている、もしくは何かの中にある状態を意味します。例えば、‘The book is in the drawer’という表現には、本が外部から隔離され、引き出しという物体の「中」にあるというメッセージが込められています。一方、‘on’は、何かの表面に接している状態を意味します。例えば、‘The book is on the table’という表現には、本がテーブルの「上に」置かれているというメッセージが込められています。
【‘at’と‘to’】まず、‘at’は、特定の時間や場所を示す際に使用します。例えば、‘I will meet you at the library’という表現には、図書館という具体的な「場所で」落ち合う、というメッセージが込められています。対照的に、‘to’は何らかの場所や方向に向かうことを示す際に使用します。例えば、‘I am going to the library’という表現には、図書館がある「方向に向かう」というメッセージが込められています。
【‘between’と‘among’】この二つの前置詞はどちらも関係性を示しますが、関係性の対象の数量に応じて使い分ける必要があります。まず、‘between’は対象となる物体や人物が二つ(二人)の場合に使用します。例えば、‘The book is between John and Mary’という表現には、本がJohnとMaryという「二人の人物の間」に置かれている、というメッセージが込められています。一方、‘among’は、対象となる物体や人物が三つ(三人)以上の場合に使用します。例えば、‘The ball is among the children’という表現には、ボールが「複数の子供たち」がいるところにある、というメッセージが込められています。
【‘by’と‘with’】まず、‘by’は、何かを行う際の手段や方法を意味します。例えば、‘The letter was delivered by mail’という表現には、手紙を配達する「手段が」郵便だった、というメッセージが込められています。一方、‘with’は、何かに関連がある状態や付属している状態を意味します。例えば、‘He went to the party with his friends’という表現には、主語の「彼」は友人と「一緒に」パーティーに出かけた、というメッセージが込められています。
【‘for’と‘since’】まず、‘for’は、‘I have lived here for ten years’といった表現などで、経過時間や期間を指す際に使用します。対照的に、‘since’はある特定の時点や何らかの行動が開始した時点を意味します。例えば、‘I have known her since 2010’という表現には、目的語の「彼女」と知り合いである期間が2010年という年を起点として継続しているというメッセージが込められています。

2023.07.04 Editor: S. S.
The use of prepositions
Prepositions are words that establish a relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. They often indicate location, direction, time, or manner.
Learning the use of English prepositions can be challenging for second-language learners because of differences in usage and structure between English and their native tongue. Here are some tips specifically for second-language learners to help with understanding and using English prepositions effectively:
- Study prepositions in context: Rather than trying to memorize prepositions in isolation, focus on learning them within sentences and phrases. Pay attention to how prepositions are used with specific verbs, nouns, and adjectives.
- Be aware of phrasal verbs: English has many phrasal verbs, which are verbs combined with prepositions or adverbs to create idiomatic expressions. Take note of phrasal verbs and their meanings as they often have unique preposition usage. For example, "look up" means to search for information, and "look after" means to take care of someone or something.
- Pay attention to collocations: Certain verbs, adjectives, and nouns are commonly used with specific prepositions. Learning these collocations will help you choose the correct preposition. For example, we "listen to" music, "depend on" someone, and are "afraid of" something.
- Read and listen to English extensively: Exposure to English through reading books, articles, listening to podcasts, and watching movies or TV shows will help you become familiar with natural preposition usage in context.
- Use reliable resources: Utilize grammar books, online resources, and language-learning apps that specifically address prepositions and provide explanations, examples, and exercises for practice.
Remember, learning prepositions takes time and practice. Continue to use prepositions in various contexts to develop a better understanding of their usage in English.
- 文脈の中で前置詞を学習する:前置詞を別々に記憶しようとするのではなく、文やフレーズ(成句)の中で前置詞を学ぶことに意識を向けましょう。前置詞がどのように特定の動詞、名詞、形容詞とセットで使われるかに注意を払う必要があります。
- 句動詞に注意する:英語には多くの句動詞があります。句動詞とは、動詞と前置詞、または動詞と副詞を組み合わせた慣用的表現です。句動詞は前置詞の使い方が独特であることが多いため、句動詞とその意味には注意しましょう。例えば、「look up」には情報を探すという意味があり、「look after」には人や物の世話をするという意味があります。
- コロケーション(連語)に注意する:特定の動詞、形容詞、名詞は、特定の前置詞と一緒に使用されるのが一般的です。「listen to 音楽」、「depend on 誰か」、「afraid of 何か」がその例です。
- 英語の読み聴きを幅広く行う:英語で本や記事を読んだり、ポッドキャストを聴いたり、映画やテレビ番組を観たりすることで、文脈に沿った前置詞の自然な使用に慣れることができます。
- 信頼できるリソースを使用する:前置詞に特化していて、説明、例文、練習問題を含む文法書、オンラインリソース、言語学習アプリを利用しましょう。

2023.06.02 Editor: L. R.
Punctuation and spacing
In written English, either British English or American English, as a general rule there should be a space after any punctuation mark but no space before punctuation. This sentence is an example of this, as follows: there should be a space after every comma, semicolon or colon; the same applies to a full stop.
Of course, as with every rule of grammar in English, there are exceptions.
When punctuation marks are used to enclose a piece of text, the punctuation marks are grouped with the text, and spaces are left on the outside of the group. For example with parentheses (like these) or when using brackets [like these] as well as quotation marks (whether single or double) to enclose spoken words, for example: the editor said ‘Leave spaces on the outside of the text group’.
Other exceptions are the dash and the hyphen, both of which are used without any spaces. A hyphen is used to join together two smaller words or parts of words such as prefixes, for example in pre-operative or inter-species, while a dash is used to connect different words that are associated such as the Venice–Simplon Orient Express or the Kruskal?Wallis test. A dash can also be used in a similar way to parentheses, to separate supplemental information. In any of these cases there is no need for a space at all.
There should be a space after every comma, semicolon or colon; the same applies to a full stop.
句読点の仲間である括弧や引用符を用いて特定の情報を示す場合、括弧や引用符は表記の一部とみなされるので、これらの記号で括られた語や句を記号ごと一つのグループとみなし、そのグループの前後にスペースを入れる必要があります。丸括弧や角括弧を使用する場合は、括弧で括られた部分の前後にスペースを入れます(xxx… (like these) or [like these] …yyy)。また、引用符(‘ ’ や “ ”)を用いて発言を示す場合は、以下のように表記します。
The editor said ‘Leave spaces on the outside of the text group’.
上記以外にも例外があり、ダッシュ(–)とハイフン(-)の前後には、スペースを入れません。ハイフンは、短い2語を繋いだり(inter-species)、接頭辞とメインの単語を繋いだり(pre-operative)する際に使用します。一方、互いに関連する独立した語を繋ぐ際にはダッシュを使用します(Venice?Simplon Orient Express、Kruskal–Wallis testなど)。また、補足情報を括弧の代わりにダッシュを使って示すこともできます。上記の用法でハイフンやダッシュを使用する場合は、前後にスペースを入れる必要はありません。

2023.05.11 Editor: L. R.
Title Case and Sentence Case
Title case and sentence case simply describe when and where to use uppercase (capital) letters and where to use lowercase.
Sentence case is the case used for all normal writing (such as this article).
Title case is, as the name suggests, used for titles, sub-titles, headings and sub-headings. However for a specific journal, authors should always check the journal guidelines as some journals prefer sentence case for the title.
In sentence case, the first letter of the first word of the sentence is written in uppercase (a capital letter), all the rest of the word is in lowercase, and all other words are all in lowercase (apart from proper nouns, which always start with an uppercase letter). The sentence ends with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark, then the next sentence begins with an uppercase letter once again.
In title case, all the major words begin with an uppercase (capital) letter. However small words-conjunctions, prepositions articles, and any word three letters long or less-begin with a lowercase letter, unless they are the first or last word in the title, when they should also start with an uppercase letter.
E.g., This is an Example of Title Case.
Care should be taken if using the formatting options in software such as Word, as there is a setting which automatically capitalises every word, so for title case this makes it necessary to change the smaller words back to lowercase.
英文を書く際は、タイトルや文中で大文字と小文字を使い分ける必要があります。タイトルでの文字の使い分けは「title case」、文中での文字の使い分けは「sentence case」と呼ばれます。
このコラムのような一般的な文章を書く際に用いるのが、「sentence case」です。
一方、「title case」とは、その名が示すように、タイトルやサブタイトル、見出しや小見出しを書く際の文字の使い分けを指します。ただし、論文などをジャーナルに投稿する際は、該当する投稿規定を必ず確認しましょう。ジャーナルによっては、タイトルに「sentence case」が指定されている場合があります。
「Sentence case」では、一文ごとに、文の最初に登場する語の先頭文字のみを大文字とし、それ以外の語はすべて小文字にします(ただし、固有名詞は登場する場所を問わず、先頭文字を常に大文字にします)。文の終わりには、ピリオドや疑問符、感嘆符を使用します。次の文でも同様に、最初の語の先頭文字を大文字にします。
「Title case」では、主要な語すべての先頭文字を大文字にします。一方、主要ではない語(接続詞、前置詞、冠詞など)や3文字以下の語は、先頭文字も小文字にします。ただし、タイトルの最初と最後の語は、先頭文字を大文字にします。
「Title case」の例:This is an Example of Title Case
Wordなどのソフトウェアには表記オプションがあるので、注意が必要です。「単語の先頭文字を大文字にする」という設定になっていると、すべての語の先頭文字が自動的に大文字になってしまうので、この設定が有効になっている場合に「title case」を使用する際は、主要でない語の先頭文字を小文字に書き換える必要があります。
2023.04.04 Translator: N. M.
Between vs. from:いつ、どのように使用するか(2023.3)

2023.03.02 Editor: R. B.
Between vs. from: When and how to use them
A common grammatical error in academic writing is the use of the words “between” and “from”. These words are generally not interchangeable.
“Between” indicates the space between two objects or places. In the case of numbers, it indicates a value higher than the first end parameter and lower than the last parameter. The word “between” should always be used with the conjunction “and” when two or more end parameters are being defined. For example, It weighs between 60 and 70 kgs.
“From” usually shows the point where something starts to the point where it ends. The word “from” is always followed by “to”. For example, Tickets will cost from $10 to $60.
Some examples in scientific writing include the following:
The surgery was performed between 2:30 and 7:30 p.m (Correct).The two end parameters (2:30 and 7:30 pm) are generally not included in the description. Moreover, it is not possible to determine the exact number of hours taken for the surgery, from this sentence.
The surgery was conducted from 2:30 to 7:30 p.m (correct). This indicates the exact number of hours taken for the surgery, and it includes the two end parameters. This sentence tells us that surgery was completed in 5 hours.
In scientific writing the range indicates the highest and lowest values of a variable measured in a sample. Thus it is the most appropriate to use the words “from” and “to”.
For example, The ages of the children ranged from 2 to 10 years.
However, you can also write it as: The ages of the children ranged between 2 and 10 years.
Between vs. from:いつ、どのように使用するか
「between」は、2つの物または場所の間にある領域を示します。数値の場合、最初のエンドパラメータより高く、最後のパラメータより低い値を示します。2つ以上のエンドパラメータを定義する場合、「between」という単語は常に接続詞の「and」とともに使用する必要があります。例:It weighs between 60 and 70 kgs. (重さは60 kgから70 kgまでの間である。)
「from」は通常、何かが始まるところから終わるところまでを示します。「from」の後には必ず「to」が続きます。例:Tickets will cost from $10 to $60.(チケット料金は10ドルから60ドルまでとなる。)
The surgery was performed between 2:30 and 7:30 p.m (Correct). (手術は14時30分から19時30分の間に行われた(正)。)2つのエンドパラメータ(14時30分と19時30分)は、一般にその記述には含まれません。また、この文章からは、手術にかかった正確な時間数を判断することはできません。
The surgery was conducted from 2:30 to 7:30 p.m (correct). (手術は14時30分から19時30分まで(正)行われた。)これは手術にかかった正確な時間数を示しており、2つのエンドパラメータを含みます。この文章は、手術が5時間で終了したことを示します。
例:The ages of the children ranged from 2 to 10 years. (子供の年齢範囲は2歳から10歳までであった。)
ただし、以下のように書くこともできます:The ages of the children ranged between 2 and 10 years. (子供の年齢範囲は、2歳から10歳までの間であった。)

2023.02.08 Editor: M. H.
Guidelines for Using the Prepositions “of” and “for”
A preposition is a word that usually goes before a noun/pronoun in a sentence and expresses a relationship to other words within the sentence. Many prepositions tell you where something is or when something happened.
Two commonly used prepositions are of and for , and like all prepositions, both indicate some type of relationship between words in a sentence. These prepositions are often misused because each can have several meanings depending on the context in which they are used. The main differences between these two prepositions, especially as they pertain to scientific writing, are summarized below.
- ・Means related to, and is most often used to show ownership or origin of something.
- ・Often used in a general or broad sense.
- ・Can also be used to help quantify something, identify a location, or indicate distance from something.
- ・Most often used to show a purpose.
- ・Often used in a specific sense.
- ・Can also be used to show a timeframe, a destination, or an amount of something.
Examples using the word of:
- ・All investigators were authors of the study. [ownership]
- ・Three patients died of liver failure in the study. [result]
- ・All measurements were collected six miles south of the impact zone. [location, distance]
- ・One subject had an elevated temperature of 38°C. [quantify]
- ・Six kilos of ethanol were added to the mixture. [quantify]
Examples using the word for:
- ・Twenty-five subjects were recruited for the study. [purpose]
- ・Descriptive statistics for vital signs are provided in the following tables. [purpose]
- ・The train would depart for Paris in two hours. [destination]
- ・These materials were mixed in one container for two hours. [timeframe]
- ・The cost for each unit was based on government guidelines. [amount]
Examples using the word forand of:
- ・All participants had normal values for vital signs, except for one subject with an elevated temperature of 38°C.
Additional notes:
- ・Passive sentence structure often involves the prepositions of and for, most of which can be eliminated by using active voice. This can also result in reduced word count.
- o[Passive] Example: The efficacy of the drug was measured by the number of individuals who had improved baseline liver values.
- o[Active] Example: Improvement in baseline liver values demonstrated the drug’s efficacy.
- ・Of cannot be used as a conjunction, while for can be used as a conjunction.
よく使われる2つの前置詞にはof とforがあり、他のあらゆる前置詞と同様、どちらも文中の単語間に何らかの関係を示します。これらの前置詞は、使用される文脈によってそれぞれいくつかの意味を持つことがあるため、誤用されることが頻繁にあります。これらの2つの前置詞の主な違い、特に科学的な文章の書き方に関連するものを以下にまとめました。
- ・関連することを意味し、何かの所有権または起源を示すために最も頻繁に使用されます。
- ・一般的または広義の意味で頻繁に使用されます。
- ・何かを数値化したり、場所を特定したり、何かからの距離を示したりするためにも使用することができます。
- ・目的を示すために最も頻繁に使用されます。
- ・特定の意味で頻繁に使用されます。
- ・時間枠、目的地または何かの量を示すためにも使用することができます。
- ・All investigators were authors of the study.(研究者全員が本試験の著者である。)[所有]
- ・Three patients died of liver failure in the study.(本試験では3名の患者が肝不全により死亡した。)[結果]
- ・All measurements were collected six miles south of the impact zone.(すべての測定はインパクトゾーンから6マイル南で行われた。)[場所、距離]
- ・One subject had an elevated temperature of 38°C.(1名の被験者が38°Cの高体温を示した。)[量]
- ・Six kilos of ethanol were added to the mixture. 6キロのエタノールが混合物に添加された。)[量]
- ・Twenty-five subjects were recruited for the study. (25名の被験者を試験に組み入れた。)[目的]
- ・Descriptive statistics for vital signs are provided in the following tables. (バイタルサインの記述統計を以下の表に示す。)[目的]
- ・The train would depart for Paris in two hours.電車は2時間後にパリへ向けて発車する。)[目的地]
- ・These materials were mixed in one container for two hours. (これらの材料は1つの容器内で2時間にわたって混合された。)[時間枠]
- ・The cost for each unit was based on government guidelines. 1単位当たりの費用は政府の指針に基づいていた。)[量]
forと ofの両方を使用した例:
- ・All participants had normal values for vital signs, except for one subject with an elevated temperature of 38°C.(38°Cの高体温を示した1名の被験者を除き、すべての参加者がバイタルサインの正常値を示した。)
- ・受動態の構文には、前置詞のofとforが頻繁に使用されますが、能動態を使用することによって、そのほとんどを省略することができます。これにより、語数を減らすこともできます。
- o[受動態]の例: The efficacy of the drug was measured by the number of individuals who had improved baseline liver values.(薬剤の有効性は、ベースラインの肝臓の数値が改善された人々の数によって測定された。)
- o[能動態]の例: Improvement in baseline liver values demonstrated the drug’s efficacy.(ベースラインの肝臓の数値の改善により、薬剤の有効性が示された。)
- ・ofは接続詞として使用できませんが、forは接続詞として使用することができます。
代表取締役 伊藤秀司